Liz -
47 days remaining! That's what Mike has informed me today, then on to the next stage - I reckon we could loose some more weight during that time for sure.
Last night was tough, we always have a takeaway on a sat evening when we don't have Jack - so we sat here talking about one and that is the first time my stomach has actually rumbled loudly. I felt it urge me to click on that app on my phone and order, but i didn't i resisted and stayed strong, we tried some more new flavour shakes and that kept me going, we made sure we kept busy and the thought of a takeaway soon drifted away.
I woke up feeling rotten this morning (when i woke up for the second time, Mike left here just after 5am, so i went back to sleep). I think it's side effects from my second Covid jab, so i thought i'd better take it easy today and make sure i keep on track with my water intake.
I went downstairs to let the pup out (ok i know shes not a pup but she'll always be my pup), and realised what a lovely warm day it was, so breakfast (shake) on the terrace for me it was. I tried Vanilla this time - it was thick and tasted like eating melted ice cream, yummy, but not sure it's one to have for breakfast going forward, maybe an afternoon or evening flavour.
I've spent my day in and out of sleep as i just feel rotten from this jab, still i can't complain, it's nowhere near as bad as the first jab. Although my brusied arm may say otherwise.
We had leftover curry for lunch from the other day, we like to batch cook just makes life easier. We added cauliflour rice to it today to give it a bit more texture, my mum gave me a tip to try frying the cauliflour rice so this is what we did.
Me and Mike were talking today about the next couple of months and how we won't be invited to events anymore as we are 'boring' with food. I do hope this isnt the case, we can still have fun without having to eat etc. I know a bbq is about food, but for me it's about the company around us and who says you cant do grilled veg on a bbq? surely vegatarians do this? We aren't stopping anyone else from eating / drinking in our company and it won't make us loose track of what we are doing as we are doing this for a very good reason.
Back to work tomorrow - now this is so far where i've found myself struggling most, but i know i've done days at work without caving in aleady so i can continue to do this going forward - we've got this.
Overtime day at work for me means a 05:00 wake up call. Rather than feeling tired and groggy i felt good. Lots of energy. In the blink of an eye it was 09:30 and i thought i best have a shake. I was counting down the time at work so i could leave, go pick up our food processor and enjoy the curry and cauliflower rice we were going to have today. A normal Sunday when i work would be a stop off at the BP garage to get an M and S chicken salad sandwich, a few bags of cheese tasters, a cake and at least one bottle of full fat coke. Oh and then whilst Liz was working in the evening it would be a pizza in front of the TV. Times change.
After dinner i tried one of the vanilla shakes that Liz recommended and it was just like eating ice cream that had melted. It was lovely. I still have a few flavours to try but as yet i haven't found one i don't like. Another 47 days of one vegetable meal and 3 shakes to go. I do miss meat but i have so many shakes to choose from that it's not too depressing.
I am continuing to lose weight but fully expect to hit a wall at some point. I am hoping this is a little way away and i can get back in to some of my old clothes before too long.
I am sure it is probably the same for Liz but being alone is when this is the hardest. All the time i am working or with people I am fine, but whilst i type this my thoughts are again about having a pizza with a stuffed crust and garlic n herb dip. Once i have achieved my goal i can treat myself to this again in moderation. Maybe a medium rather than a super size though.
Carpe diem 4L